Glorious Bright Coaches
Elevate yours and others' Life & Spirit through Glorious Bright Coaching, Inclusive Leadership, Wellbeing, Positive Psychology, Teaching & Healing skills using the newest and best techniques connecting Body, Heart, Mind, Energy & Spirit - Soul to create truly amazingly excellent results in all areas of your life !

From Well to GORGEOUS Being!
You want to stand out from the ocean of Coaches or other Professionals and help you & others have better state of being in order to succeed as a truly positively impactful prosperous Glorious Bright Coach & Leader?
Using the new techniques will give you the prosperity & confidence you look for as you will truly transform positively lives.
Leadership is all about giving value, uplifting, enlightening and helping others.
How many fingers do you have? 5, yes, and there is no coincidence ! There are 5 areas of being :
1. Spiritual 2. Energetic 3. Mental 4. Emotional 5. Physical being. In order to have & teach what is called complete whole WELLBEING you need to be truly completely well not only physically, but in all of these areas and learn how to help others in all areas for them having better & faster results. But how about instead of just well...being, going to GLORIOUS BRIGHT and even better state of being !
Learn how to have an amazing excellent eternally Positive Powerful Happy Purposeful Peaceful HEALTHY Wealthy Joyful Prosperous Rich GORGEOUS Perfect easily & constantly thriving with comfort & confidence GLORIOUS BRIGHT being instead of just, OK, well...being and learn how to help others much better too, not only physically, but through and in all areas of Being;
To Thrive genuinely in all areas of life, personal & professional !
Glorious Bright Coaching helps in all areas of YOUR Life !
To learn more of how you will profit from the Glorious Bright Coaching in all these areas contact me !
Psychologist, Pedagogist, Author & Coach
Hi & Welcome !🌟💎😇💛
Thank you for being here, lovely holy soul. 🙏 My name is Irene, Irini = Peace🌍✌, in Greek, my mother tongue. But my life had not always been peaceful. I had to overcome many challenges and obstacles myself in the past to be thriving today, such as toxic environment, childhood traumas, limiting beliefs, doubts, health issue that I overcame without any medication, just self-healing and self-care etc.
However, thankfully, no matter what the circumstances are, I am always peaceful, aligned with my highest Good positive abundance & spiritual eternal light, and this is why I am teaching, counseling and coaching you to help you find yours and have your inner peace, happiness & joy no matter what and to resolve any problems and prevent them from happening, in your teams, your life, your mind & body.
Because peace, instead of panic, is going to help you, and your clients, teams, to progress and act wisely, calm & highly intelligent, more effectively in all situations even the most huge emergencies, help you be more confident, powerful and communicate better with everyone, including your highest self, God, Cosmic Energy or however you call it that is the highest purest power and it is not religious, but mostly spiritual truth, it is One, as everything begins there.
As a Psychologist with a Master of Science M.Sc. in Psychology & Counseling from the University of Derby in England, U.K., a Bachelor degree in Pedagogy, Education, Teaching and Research specialized in Psychology and Intercultural Global Inclusive Education & Teaching in Finland, the TOP 1 place to be when it comes to Education, leading the world with the most innovative, creative and inclusive Educational and Social system globally, a rich and various experience and background in Education, Management, Leadership, having passed from both Entrepreneurship and Corporate, Executive, Business world in many fields, such as Luxury & Automobile, and of course Therapy, I worked with people from all cultures, of all ages, diagnosis (Autism, ADHD, Bipolar, Syndrome Down, Depression, Phobias, Schizophrenia, Hyper-Anxiety etc.) or non diagnosed, I found and used the techniques to connect, heal and help them all integrate, understanding that everyone has their unique gifts and with the right knowledge, resources, guidance, tools, training, therapy and coaching can all thrive happily, peacefully & respectfully !
My love for Humanity & Literature lead me to be a published Author twice, from the age of my early 20s after travelling all over Europe, as a natural Leader uplifting people with high emotional intelligence, started at the age of 7 writing my first poems and my first fairytales and right now Author of the book story for children about Inclusion 'The Rainbow turned Blue', co-Author in New York's best-selling Book Anthology 'The Future of Entrepreneurship, Women who Lead'; and writing more books to come, traveler by heart, having travelled and lived in many places all over the Globe, so I understand what it means to be multicultural, or feeling different, non-included, I have experienced first hand what humanity, Leadership, Coaching, Education & Parenting need to improve, progress, what problems you may face and how to solve them to become the highest good version of you & help others too!
I have participated in plenty of seminars all over the Globe, learned from the best Globally, and I'm here to share my gifts, talents & precious wisdom with you, so you can benefit and share them with your communities too for the benefit of all with genuine love for Humanity and in the service of God.
Again, it has nothing to do with religions, but with the pure Highest Good Spirituality, Wisdom, Light & Love where we all come from & go to, helping you to create the Paradise on Earth & expressing your authentic light & voice unapologetically with everyone.
Also, I know the importance of having a Good Coach, Guide, Psychologist, who truly cares and helps you, understands and uplifts you, giving you practical helpful tools, motivating you, showing perspectives you might have not thought, new techniques and methods rapidly positively transformational that help you and others too, heal & find and express your true highest good positive voice and adapt to Growth & Positive change, stepping into your highest good soul's path with courage and positive energy, peace, health, joy, safety, confidence that comes from genuine value, knowledge, wisdom, pure altruistic love & kindness.I have developed a unique blend of both theoretical and practical tools combining Science & Spirituality to help improve yours and your clients' life, and have learned amazingly simple, yet profound techniques to overcome all obstacles. We are creating an ideal blissful, happy world where we are living and thriving altogether full of Grace, Peace, Health, Wealth, Joy, Happiness, Positive Abundance, Safety, Security, Beauty, Glory of God, Truth, Fulfillment, Comfort, Generosity, Kindness, Respect, Luxuries, Light and Love for & from all.
Awakened, destroying old outdated ideas, barriers, stereotypes, illusions and fears, I'm here to help you go beyond all limitations, unlock your gifts, awaken and help others too for doing Good, and position yourself as a True Glorious Bright Coach & Leader, by using the new, safest, most successful, innovative, both scientific and spiritual strategies by me and Coaches & Enlightened beings from all over the Globe.I help people of all ages & genders and I'm looking forward to help you too, have more Peace, Health, Joy and Glorious Bright Success!Message me now.💛With love & light,
Irene Karpadaki

Contact me today & let's GROW & GLOW !
Email : [email protected]WhatsApp : +33785328759